Outstanding News 2021-03-01 IFA highlights once again the importance of fertilizers for the human diet


In the second half of 2021 the UN will hold an international Summit on Food Systems. Taking advantage of the organization of said event, the International Fertilizer Manufacturers Association (IFA) has published a document stating that the new model of "responsible plant nutrition" encompasses a wide range of knowledge, technologies, agronomic practices, commercial models and scientific and engineering policies that directly or indirectly affect the production and use of mineral nutrients in agri-food systems. According to IFA, following a “food system” approach, “responsible plant nutrition” aims to:

A. Improve incomes, productivity, nutrient efficiency and resilience of farmers and the businesses that support them.
B. Increase nutrient recovery and recycling.
C. Increase and maintain soil health.
D. Improve nutrition and human health through nutrition-sensitive agriculture.
E. Minimize GHG emissions, nutrient pollution, and loss of biological diversity.

Therefore, one of the most basic actions to improve food systems must begin at the level of crop production. Diversification of cropping systems and optimal use of fertilizers are some of the simplest solutions to address hunger, stunting and other forms of malnutrition, but they also allow for healthier human diets in developed economies . Mineral fertilizers provide essential macro and micronutrients to plants, which in turn are transmitted to people when consumed: fertilizers not only ensure the quantity, but also the quality of plant-based foods. Here are some key messages highlighted by IFA:

• Food security can no longer be limited only to the quantity of crops we grow, but also to the quality of crops for human and animal health.
• Since fertilizers and other nutrient sources are an integral component of human nutrition and health, there must be a change in model in the way they are perceived, managed, regulated and incentivized.
• A change in the perception of fertilizers from "inputs for plants" to "inputs for the human diet" allows a better prioritization of their nutritional results for humans. Plant nutrition must become a fundamental part of national food, nutrition and health policies.

IFA insists that plant nutrients are much more than agricultural inputs: when supplied to crops, they help provide calories, protein, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, antioxidants and other bioactive compounds essential for human health and nutrition.

The IFA document is available at the following link on its website: https://www.fertilizer.org/public/resources/publication_detail.aspx?SEQN=6150&PUBKEY=A00DD366-6077-4EA5-8B0C-9080B8AE1565